Hey guys! its high time we started to let ourselves know of the innovations in technology in a world driven by this phenomenon, needless to say.
I am your neighbourhood tech guy! i'll try as much as i can to shine the light on some major but very understandable occurrences in the world of Smartphones, Computers, Phone Application and many more in between.
like i said earlier, i am your neighbourhood tech guy! so lets do this together as your questions and comments will actually tell me what area you need my help and i will be ready to assist to the best of my ability.
so stay tuned to this blog 'cause i will be dealing with the WHATSAPP December 31st deadline panic!
till i come your way tomorrow, keep living your life to the fullest.


NB: pls drop your comments, questions and suggestions  ***Wink**


  1. nice one! can't wait to see what you've got on this page and on whatsapp threat. bring it on dude

  2. i think i will like this page.

  3. I think this page is rightly timed. I dey look out for tomorrow


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